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I Gave Gabriel Gudding A Little Counter

Didi Menedez

I gave Gabriel Gudding a little counter.
He said, "thank you very much" then
took it home and built a bigger kitchen.

I gave Gabriel Gudding a little counter
and introduced them at the corner of West
Grove Street and Elm Avenue.

"Nice to meet you" said Gabriel Gudding.
"I am Gabe."
"What is your name?"
And the little counter replied, "Fred."

Then Gabriel Gudding asked Fred
"How many geese have passed by since noon?"
Gabriel Gudding asked this question out of politeness
more-so than to test the accuracy of Fred.

Fred replied, "250 as of noon today.
To be exact since 12:15:05 Eastern Standard Time."

Gabriel Gudding then asked Fred,
"How tall are you exactly?"

Gabriel Gudding was being polite again
because even Gabriel Gudding could tell
how tall Fred was.

Our man, Gabe knew the best way to
start a conversation with a complete stranger
was to get them to talk about themselves first.

Fred replied "three feet two to be exact 38 inches."

As Gabe and Fred (old friends by now) walked home,
Fred counted how many steps it took to walk from
West Grove Street to East Grove Street
and how many red cars raced by
and how many stop lights they stopped at
and how many coffee shops had a sale
on café au lait
and how many women had long hair
and how many women had short hair
and how many women had no hair
and how many women left the coffee shop
with a cafe au lait in hand
and how many men wore a tie
and how many men wore a tee shirt
and how many men had a mustache
and how many men needed a shave
and how many children skipped by
and how many children tugged on their mother?s sleeve
and pointed at Fred who was half the size of Gabe
as they walked home from West Grove Street
to East Grove Street.

I gave Gabriel Gudding a little counter
and placed it on his web page.

He thanked me very much and now
every morning he logs into his computer
and knows exactly how many people passed by.

Didi Menendez

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