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how water is the cruelest tenderency

AnnMarie Eldon

how forms it to a form
how that works into itsown heat
how saved how annulled how morphisity

has plentied bodily
has caused emptiness suffer
has necessarily hardered poresity

some geraniumlike unugly mustied entropied pee
some more acidic postmenses’d ovarian plea
some dogsilk lick n over fanciful cream-

ary. All negative ripe which needs sway
splays resolve to slap propensity
smoothes nothing leaves pipt

muskdam damask blush
from a bruise wish
wants whip

in molecsur-
face dreams neck twist
with his eye plea, hands busy

bound by her lovemouth profanities
sluiced waiting rose suckmyrrh in predispositioned
slime gathering commands

so unopposed take this
no argument and she augments strikes bathes
ah backdrop his prepain

spathes cools cumcarrier
and neither would he free how water
cools sprools for intermittent soft not one drop

to made babies
was forbidden spoken about it lushumami
took between forefinger and thumb silently

smushed til glean
raw sheen economied out along her
inner                                     forethigh

a mini bejewelling anymap spotplace sighshining
europe easter island fuckpacific bitten antarctic slovenly tipantibes


AnnMarie Eldon

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