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From My KneesEileen R. Tabios1. “mouths are dangerous and then disappointing” –from “Role Models” by Evelyn Lau It was the right thing to do when you didn’t laugh, not even smile, after I whispered over the rim of your wine goblet My words always become true You dangled a pretty line more bright than the sun striking the green face of a lake we have never swum together– the bait of a new vocabulary irresistible with its fresh blood but sparkling, shining, gleaming like broken glass You taught me how seduction occurs by never laughing at someone’s words My mouth never shifted from the pose you favored: open in a silent scream I once confused with appetite, lips becoming my thighs. Someday soon I shall understand the hate in my eyes bouncing back from a mirror it shattered “The back alley” “The back staircase” “The back hallway” “The back door” “And always on my knees, your hands lost in my hair” Simple words you taught me– not a single metaphor as a hiding place My words always become true But you wanted me innocent about this one matter To preserve your control because desire, as you have taught me, can forge the strongest handcuffs, you didn’t wish to teach me what I learned on my own: your sperm will become addicted to the back alley curved by my teeth, the back staircase molded by my tongue, the back hallway invented by my eyes, and the back door opened by my throat All addictions are addictions My poor darling, I now realize the difference between an appetite and a scream. My words always become true: I shall transcend your grasp of my hair to force me to stay on my knees– The concrete fence you’ve built– ironically pretty with its embedded slivers of broken wine bottles in translucent shades of gold, violet, and burgundy– protects but also prevents others from reaching over to clasp your trembling fingers When was the last time someone held your hand with a warmth as honest as a prostitute’s grin Someday soon I shall understand the hate in my eyes bouncing back from a mirror it shattered– comprehension being the necessary precedent towards the Transcendence I long have mistaken for Interpretation My poor darling, nowadays I bend my knees only for the contact of worn velvet pews. When I bow my head to pray I see patches of brilliant crimson along the edges of ancient fabric surfacing from a cathedral’s gloom– proof of an earlier beauty refusing to fade 2. Fallen angels are bound to the earth– we shall meet again in an arena where lions are not the most dangerous creatures. If I persevere, it shall be due to my ability and your failure to utter certain words in a particular order: I Love You 3. Yes, those ornaments are brittle– the ballet dancer with a silver tutu and vermilion lips the angel unbelievable with its brown face the clear globe with a melted rainbow trapped inside the bent snowflake dangling from a string A hanging basket of Golden Dragon impatiens– yellow-hooded blooms that birth large hairy spurs in the summer nestled against kidney-shaped leaves with red stems– would have sufficed to fill a void which can sunder a room unexpectedly as it did a yardless space in Vancouver which compelled you to lug home a polyethylene tree to rationalize boxes wrapped in recycled paper containing items you wish to forget so that you will get curious enough to open them My dear, music exists beyond the clanging of brass bracelets circling a stranger’s limb 4. I believe in these words I Love You which you have turned into a square-shouldered bottle of thick glass trapping cheap amber liquid Nor is Love “pills…the colors of spring– pastel pink orange sherbet flaring in the light”* though I can intellectualize how Halloween bares its gap-toothed scream in a tiny room lost in a vast cemented city where light appears only as filtered through slatted blinds whose edges slice I believe I Love You means I must lift your photo crumpled on the floor, smooth it out until your eyes open from the paper folds then tuck your soul away safely between the pages of poetry by Odysseus Elytis Then we can drink the sun of Corinth together, read the marble ruins together stride across vineyards and seas, laughing with a robustness that shakes your belly and loosens my hair and cheering the votive fish that slips away from the harpoon, then finally to discover the leaves memorized by the sun’s psalm so that we can look at land together and see a joy opened because and only because of passion** * from “Tambourine Man” by Evelyn Lau ** after “Drinking The Sun of Corinth…” by Odysseus Elytis Eileen R. Tabios Read Bio Author Discusses Poems |
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