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76. During the Long Rains in the Fifth MonthAnne GorrickThere is something very mobile about a place with a pond Looking in concentration at the sky opacified Not only in winter when she likes to lie awake and note that water has more cold in it Wild and covered in bad grasses I find moonlight very constant Between the rain, May is too long The water’s dense iris And all gardens being the same green color seem that way There is movement in the sky opacified Liking the fact that I’ve become aware of the cold year Attention to a certain thing in the water As for the pond everything which is not better is carefully shown The bad grass where I was covered in wildness The necessary night is thin I, a portable type, find moonlight in every lake The ponds which I like are those in which everything is carefully represented I prefer much that is wild in false grasses in the portable moonlight A lagoon between two screens I move morning into salt into her crowded iris During the long rain between right and wrong: A lake of green water Entire the day, and the sky opaque The taste of I is not enough The palace of cure is representative I appreciate extremely that wild gram the irises piled up The night cannot observe moonlight even when moonlight enters extremely Inside the fifth month a period of long rain gives crab to silence When time is incorrect with green scandal The furniture, inside out, reverses One green military discipline inside a child The sky is opaque, it sees! The poem widens between kicks Swallow the angle of the year and it wakes for the green branch scandal Between the needle and the lake Her pen diminishes the road which is written inside winter The night, your park, is frequent Observe the moonlight inside water Day, when it is possible, enters in order to discover its own reversal The long rains clamp onto silence onto the false green scandal written in furniture The sky is impermeable, broad The green branch scandal written into winter The screen accumulates the process The fifth month gives crab to his silence The green scandal, the reverse of the lake The fact that movement is distant this sky opaque, poetry between kick and normality Swallow the angles of the year where it is wild and interior, her iris During May, the crab of silence is sometimes him When inside the box, scandal is inaccurate I, giving, and the green waters observe the furniture Between the screens, you ask that green be sufficient The lake a scandal of poetry a flexible pried branch of a green thing Kicking is normal for an angular year The edge is understood excessively The process of representation: zone and palace Everything is appraised: wildness and the iris ticket Time removes the mountain elaborately During May, we silence the crab with some time when the scandal is not precise The I gives differently drapes the furniture with green and observation The width of poetry may distinguish time makes the discovery, the angle of revision waters the green and nimble dyeing green branch scandal tastes like the lake To process portrayal and place I arrive extremely with a wild ticket iris During May, an average long time the quiet crab hour when scandal is inexact Observation briefly stops in the lake You come to solicit undulation green agile water to dye green the ramifications of scandal All being to consider, I arrive and have an end to be wild, take your tickets This mountain, possible matter Day invests in the reversal of a clear moon Anne Gorrick Read Bio Author Discusses Poems |
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