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Partial List Of Things That Happen All At Once

Robyn Art

snow, forgetting my user name, loitering in the parking lot of the Big Box Store; the wombat filmed in its indigenous clime, cabin doors with no locks, (Woman Alone: do not pull to the shoulder;) insomnia, desire, bloodless surgery and felony arrests; hours like hands dragged through mud; part ritual cleansing, part teenage group-suicide pact; county bank manqué: Jesus Saves, So Can U; tracks by the back stoop, blood on the grill, (Things You Can’t See From The Road: woods like cooking smoke, sap buckets stuck with flies, pairs of wan and kleptomaniacal lovers on the lam, persons unaccounted for, back rooms, stints scrounging cans on the interstate, the mountain’s coniferous stare;) something growing more distinct like split ends held to light; a wet mouth, hair in a comb, the razed, wind-dragged plains

Robyn Art

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