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heart of my heart

Joel Patton

                                        heart of my heart.

                                        eye of my eye.

                                        marrow of my marrow.

                                        shin of my shin.

                                        talc of my talc.

                                        oar of my oar.

                                        guild of my guild.

                                        warm of my warm.

                                        seethe of my seethe.

                                        crass of my crass.

                                        gnat of my gnat.

                                        silk of my silk.

                                        tine of my tine.

                                        bead of my bead.

                                        paintpot of my paintpot.

                                        narrow of my narrow.

                                        tenet of my tenet.

did you say repelling or rappelling?

did you say discreet or discrete?

did you say difference or differents?

did you say details or details?

did you say Eris or Eros?

did you say hogshead or hog’s head?

did you say burrow or borrow?

did you say grip or grippe?

did you say fast or fast?

did you say bark or barque?

did you say cleave or cleave?

Joel Patton

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